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Two of the biggest and most anticipated paromantasy series are making (or have made) their debut this month. True Blood hit the small screen on June 13th with its season 3 premiere, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits the big screen on June 30th. My question to you is: Which is the ultimate vamp saga: True Blood or Eclipse? The battle of the Twilighters and True Blooders has been raging on, both with huge followings. This doesn’t mean that beats headphones cheap the Twilighters aren’t fans of True Blood, or vice-verse – it’s just the debate of which one is the better of the two series, both in literature and on-screen. Twilighters are fierce in their support, as seen by Twilight’s complete take over at the MTV Movie Awards this past Sunday. True Blood is not slacking in the awards arena, with both an Emmy and a Golden Globe under its belt. It is also clear that neither phenomenon is going anywhere. Alan Ball confirmed in January that True Blood will be back for a fourth season and Wyck told the Times earlier this year that Breaking Dawn is going forward (still not sure if it will be one movie or two), and shooting will begin this Fall. So, what’s the verdict? If you ask me: True Blood wins – Hands Down! Wait! Before you hit send on the hate email you just put together, hear me out. Don’t get me wrong – I love the Twilight Saga and consider myself a Superfang, but True Blood has it all: Action, Romance, Mystery, Horror, plus it is just plain steamy. Vamps and Werewolves are scary, sinister and sexy – which is pretty much why we love them. True Blood brings this to the forefront making you love them and fear them at the same time. Key Examples: Remember when sensitive and tranquil vampire Bill went a little loco and killed Sookie’s molesting uncle – wasn’t that the monster beats by dre sweetest and scariest thing you ever saw?! How about Eric Northman? Do I even have to give you an example? That vamp is walking danger and sex on very long legs (sorry, you can clearly tell who my paromantasy vamp is). Twilight can be the complete opposite. It does have moments of action, but it is essentially a love story, without the added bonus of gore and suspense. We can pretty much predict what is going to happen from beginning to end. Even the fans out there have to admit that it can also get down right depressing at times! Remember the scene where Bella sat at the window for months after Edward left – ugh. I was screaming at her to get up and get over it already. Sorry, that part just ticked me off. That leads me to the next bit; True Blood characters are just more entertaining. Let’s take a look: Bella vs. Sookie Sookie can be ditzy and downright annoying at times, but she doesn’t take crap from anyone (or anything!). She sticks up for what she believes in and isn’t afraid to take the bull by the horns, or should I say the vamps by their fangs. This lady is fierce when she wants to be. Plus, she can read minds and that’s hot. Bella is the complete opposite. She’s smart and shy, but she is too dependent on others. Come on – Admit it! When she lost Edward, her world turned upside down. She was pretty much the walking dead, which is funny cause isn’t that Edward’s job:) She stood in that crazy zombie state until she started hanging out with Jacob. When Jacob wanted to ditch her, Bella nearly went insane again – she begged him not cheap beats by dr dre to leave her. Not cool! Like I said before, Bella and Sookie are complete opposites.

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